With Summer right around the corner there are tons of Parties, Gatherings, Concerts, Festivals and lets face it, reasons to get outside and throw down some cold ones! The trick is to find out which ones are worth going to. What if I told you about a Festival that harbors some of Ohio's Up and coming talent , in a great venue all while going to a great cause? What if I told you it's a Comedy show and Concert?? Crazy right? Well ladies and Gentleman let me introduce you to FLOC FEST!
What is a FLOC you ask?? Well FLOC is actually an Acronym meaning For Love Of Children. (Floc) is a is a volunteer group which raises funds to provide enrichment and educational activities for children from newborn to 18 years of age throughout the Dayton area. FLOC began servicing area children in 1980, and has grown into an industry of volunteers who are passionate about caring for our neglected, abused and foster care community.
They have teamed up with some of the Local Ohio Talent to create a Festival to raise money for their cause. However they didn't just get anyone... They got some amazing performers.. First off with your Host Comedian Steve Mac.

Bless...also from Dayton Ohio is an up and coming Hiphop artist. The
name Bless is An acronym for Because Language Equals Sound Shaping. His intentions are to make music and really emphasizes on the fact that music IS art, music IS supposed to be GOOD, and IT actually DOES MATTER what you say. His Full Length LP "Because Language Equals Sound Shaping" (B.L.E.S.S.) is set to be released in Fall of 2011.
For more info on Bless Check out his Website @ http://BlessTheMusic.com/
Status Flo is a hip hop/ r&b group also from Dayton Ohio, which features Street(M.C.), Jeryd Vreeland(Vocalist), Fatty Lumpkin(D.J.). They describe themselves as "Smart People Music." We create songs about life's trials and tribulations as well as inspirational upbeat tracks. They have featured artist such as Bless, Ogre Fury and Mood. We have had the opportunity to open for acts such as D12, Potluck, Das Efx, Vanilla Ice, Mood, Blueprint, Ill Poetic, Illogic, and Macklemore. They have placed in the OHHA, as well as finalists in the "So you think you can rap" contest in Columbus. They try and continue to make music and perform all over Ohio. Currently their demo Smart People Music is being distributed and the EP is under construction. They encourage positivity and feel hip hop's in need of something fresh. Below is a couple videos of a couple of the recent live performances.
For more info on Status Flo Check out their websites @ www.smartpeoplemusic.com & www.ribeyerecords.com.
And to check out these great acts come out to Floc Fest Friday night @ W.O Wrights in Dayton. You will not regret it! Show starts at 8! See you there and for more info on the cause check out www.FlocDayton.org
contact us!
Email: thestreetevol@gmail.com
Twitter @theStreetEvol
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