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Are you a SneakerHead?? What exactly IS a SneakerHead??? Most people have their own defintion and what they think a "SneakerHead" is. Let us get deeper and give our definition and our thoughts about the term and its meaning.
SNEAKER·HEAD [snee-ker-hed] –noun Slang . 1. A person who collects limited, rare, or flat out exclusive kicks. 2. A person with background or knowledge of certain sneakers & looks at shoes as artwork. That cat always rocks rare sneaks. Dude HAS to be a sneakerhead. YES! A Sneakerhead to us is someone who is a mere collector of art and appreciates everything about it. When most people think of SneakerHeads and they think of the guy that goes out and buys every single 'it" shoe that comes out, we would consider that a "HYPE BEAST".
HYPE·BEAST [hahyp-beest] –noun Slang . 1. A person who only follows a trend to appear cool or in style 2. A person who wears what is hyped up because they lack sense of style or originality. He is wearing Ed hardy jeans, an Ed hardy hat, an Ed hardy shirt & Ed hardy shoes! He is an Ed hardy Hypebeast!
Now we all know some of the obvious choices when it comes to shoes or sneakers.Those key shoes that everyone has in their closet... Jordan's, certain Nikes, Shell toes etc. But there's another world out there that consists of shoes that may get looked over and definitely need to be added in your closet. Probably names that most of you have NEVER even heard of! Here at THE STREET EVOL we will help those of you who need to get hip! Lets start with a Cali based sneaker company named ANDROID HOMME. I know It sounds like a French phone but for real, these shoes look like futuristic sneakers! Worn by the likes of Luda and swag heavy pro athletes. Owning a pair of these basically graduates you to a Sneakerhead. Check them out!.....
Of course Android Homme certainly isn't the only artistic sneaker makers out there. Here are some others brands that you should also check..
and for you ladies....
Now we are not saying do not go get Jordan's everytime they come out.. because lets face it, Jordan's are dope and hard as hell to get! However as a Sneakerhead you have to understand that Shoes are considered art work, the more rarer the better. Here is a question to ask yourselves, say you want to buy a painting for your house and you are stuck choosing between a very rare painting or a painting that everyone and their mother has already. Would you pay thousands of dollars for the painting that everyone has? No! You would get that diamond in the ruff! Even though it may not be the the top selling artwork or the most popular, it has character to it and you are being original. It is the same with sneakers! Especially if you are going for style. A true SneakerHead focuses on a shoe that has characteristics that embody their own personality. That could even be Chuck Taylor, Lugz, or whatever you like but just know that whatever shoe(s) you pick make sure they are shoes that represent you or have everything you would want in in them, not just because they are popular. Consider them that "rare painting", because lets face it, shoes are shoes but ART IS BEAUTIFUL! If you think you are a Sneakerhead or you collect sneakers take this quick Survey so we can get some info on you! STREET EVOL IS STREET LOVE! contact us! Email: Twitter @theStreetEvol |