"You are the Trashelle you were, and you're always gonna be trash."
via mtv.com
The following are REAL emails shared between Shivam & Dante.
DISCLAIMER: If you are offended by occasional crude language I suggest you stop reading now. Also it must be noted that nobody is racist or prejudice to any certain groups of people.
Terms, abbreviations, etc may be used that the general public may not know can be found in the glossary at the bottom of the page. If you see something and don’t know what it means, go to the bottom and get hip to the lingo.
Strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride.
Hello Dante. So have you hooked up with any dudes and then a chick after your dude left? No? Well Marlon did. I don't know if it is a curse or blessing posting these emails each week, but I am getting blown up from people each episode for play by play. He might be closer to gay than he is straight in terms of his bisexuality, but I stayed up for the After Show and it was revealed that he made out with Cooke as well. I do not count making out with a chick as a hook up, but he still did it. So that means in terms of last nights episode he hooked up with Derrick under a bridge (you would imagine the troll toll for Derek was at least oral, whether he received or performed the act is unknown) and he bedded Nany (my personal favorite chick on this show, she is so hot) to close out the episode.
- Troll Toll. Google "Troll Toll" lyrics if you do not understand this.
I'll get to the Troll Toll in a second. First off I just want to say
this episode came out POPPING OFF from the jump. The first 10 minutes
included a secret gay pool hook up, a traditional meat-head fight, and a
girl fight! It usually takes a whole season for each of those
to happen. Onto Marlon's Troll Toll. Even though I had watched Real
World Portland, and knew the story of Marlon's bisexual experiences, I
still was still stunned by these actions. On Portland, he made it sound
like sex with a dude was something he tried, but didn't like that much,
and didn't think he'd ever do again. It "just happened." Throughout
that season, we didn't see him going after any guys. So I never thought
he was going bi again, and even if he did, it would be with a little
black dude, like Kerry Rhodes' boyfriend. Derek? We don't know what
the exact price of the toll was, we just know
"some stuff happened" - Derek
"me and derek messed around in the pool, shit happened." - Marlon
don't know what to say about the Nany hookup. I thought it was cool of
her to not judge Marlon's past, but kind of slorey to hook up with him a
day after he was just with Derek. If you saw her season, you know
Nany makes terrible decisions with men. Seemed like a continuation of
that pattern. Your thoughts on the fights? I went back and watched it on
my dvr this morning, and noticed two things:
Jordan was the one who came through and grabbed Knight to prevent
punches being thrown, and save their team from getting kicked out, right
at the point when Marlon was doing his dance squaring up with Knight.
I had to write down Trashelle's quote, when Aneesa asked her what she
meant by "You're Black, you're Jewish. That you are right now, like,
going, and like, being like, 'Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm here, I'm here.' I
cannot fucking believe, that you are like...(shrugs shoulders)...It's
What a crazy old bitch, and
what was with her "she's a stripper" callouts. Didn't the
Original Slore do Playboy back in the day?
Yeah man those fights were wild. They should have let them scrap it out. Knight might be the captain of the NRFHL all stars from the Real World. He is so cold blooooooded (Rick James voice) and the best part about it, he doesn't even realize it. Trishelle has always been a personal fave on the Boner Jams list for many of us men who watch the show. Real World Las Vegas 1 came out in 2002, which was about the time I graduated high school and you were entering college, she introduced Whoredom to the television set like we had never seen before. She was a southern bell who has sort of a butter face, but had a wildly hot body to go with her sloring. The body led her to a Playboy spread as you noted. Years of booze, drugs? and who knows what else, have aged her into Skeletor status. Plus her personality and stupidity makes her unbearable. That fight was the dumbest shit ever, I hope she yaps her mouth on the streets of wherever the fuck she is from and gets KO'd. The Black Jew remark was so hateful I actually said "dammnnnnnnnn hoeee" when I was watching the show. Aneesa verbally trounced her and lowered a Lex Luger-esque forearm shiver when she confronted her. It was actually nice to see her not beat her up and instead make Trashelle look like the mental midget and whore that she is. Side note they showed a deleted scene of Trashelle on the After Show and she was drunk as fuck bitching at producers for not having enough liquor for her and for having to pay for drinks at the club, mind you she was already slammered to tomorrow. Awesome by the cameras to catch her stay scheming.
"You are the Trashelle you were, and you're always gonna be trash."
- Lex Luger... I mean Aneesa Forearm Shiver on Trashelle. Side Note: What a nickname.
It was actually sad to see Sarah go home considering shee gives her life for this show. It was the equivalent to someone getting fired from a job for no reason in your workplace. Another After Show revelation was Sarah's speech to the group after TJ informed her that she was going home. A teary Sarah addresses the group with an Urban Meyer type speech on how you should play the game with integrity blah blah blah etc and they keep cutting to Knight, Thor, CT, and others cracking up laughing at her. Johnny then is shown in an interview saying "what are you trying to accomplish talking to a group of people who don't give a fuck about anything." Johnny my friend, you couldn't have said it better.
Yeah Sarah's tears get annoying, I don't hold it against any of them for cracking smiles. Shit, Gay Derek was laughing at her on the Aftershow for her speech about gay equality.
Speaking of the Aftershow, it was great to see my favorite Challenge host Johnny Mosley return. I know you love TJ, but I like that Johnny actually smiles, laughs and shows emotion. That said, you know I love when TJ has to deal with a quitter, and he handled the Trishelle exit as only he could do. His callouts are classic. I love that he publicly announced that Trishelle is on a list of people that he isn't feeling.
After the insane beginning of this show, we settled into a pretty good challenge. Of course Emily the Cyborg beasted the girls again. I can't believe Preston made Knight look like the weak one of the team. Jordan and Marlon "killed it," but almost ended up facing elimination again in the Jungle. I think the sympathy Marlon got for Knight's bad joke might have helped them stay out of the Jungle. Robb and Derek were sent in with one more vote than Marlon and Jordan. Preston showed up for the vote with a nicer hair piece than Jasmine. Aneesa needs to show that girl how to shop for hair.
Johnny is a cool guy. He is the typical snowboarded. Weird but cool hair, crooked smile, and always looks stoned. TJ is all about competition and for someone as ultra competitive as me, it is great to see. Emily is like Alabama football right now, it is going to take everything and the kitchen sink to beat her.
I will be brief on this last topic, but Knight KILLED IT in the elimination. That crawl swipe technique was old school leg sweep style in video games. I can't believe he thought of that, because it is awesome and everyone is going to jock that move from now on. Side Note: Knight has aligned himself with the power players in the house. He is good boys with Thor and CT, I knew this dude would scheme, but not at this level. He may have found immunity as long as people forget about his ruthless jokes.
- Knight crawling and swiping would have made Ryu proud.
Its all about charming the ladies this season, though. Those next week previews look like Jemmye is about to stir up her and Knight's past. This will undoubtedly lead to her calling him out for being a man whore, which will only drop him further in the girl's eyes. Side note: Why did I ever find Jemmye attractive? Everytime I see her now, I cringe. She looks like she has more sun spots on her skin than my grandma.
Ryu and Billy Zabka would appreciate Knight's Elimination moves.
Glossary of Terms:
GOAT – Greatest of all time
NRFHL – No Regard for Human Life
NRFHOL – No Regard for His/Her Own Life
Killed It – This is TJ Lavin (the hosts) favorite saying. If he says it, that means you either did really good in a competition (probably winning it) or an elimination challenge (ditto)
All photos courtesty of MTV.com and vemo.com. Thanks for the help.
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