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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Human Rights Movement: a short commentary on Gay Marriage

Derek West
Head Writer

"They shouldn't have that right. They're not even real people!"

In 1955 that was a socially acceptable phrase and attitude towards African Americans. We weren't real people. We didn't deserve the same rights and liberties as white Americans. Why? Because our ancestors were slaves. Terribly interesting how the same people who made America the greatest country in the world by building it for free, couldn't even vote for the people who ran said country.

"They're not as smart as us, they can't do the things we do, they shouldn't be treated as equals"

In 1915 that was the general attitude and a socially acceptable thought towards women. They raised children, kept a household, and held the American family together, but had no say in the matters that effected the American family.

"Why should they be allowed to marry? It destroys the sanctity of the institution of marriage! "

This is an attitude and opinion a colleague of mine recently took during a debate about gay marriage he and I had. Do you know what these three phrases and opinions have in common?

They're all bullshit.

Make no mistake my friends gay rights IS the new civil rights movement. There's no way around that. And let me be clear, in a country where there is a 50% divorce rate, the "sanctity of marriage" is already a joke and has been for a long time. Any ban on gay marriage is a clear violation of human rights. Period.

The fact of the matter is that if there is any decency or fairness in this country, eventually our musical theater loving counterparts will indeed have the right to get married. For no other reason than it is the right thing to do. It doesn't effect anyone else. The same way rednecks avoid everyone who is different already will not change. Nothing will, the world will keep turning. No one will turn to ash, the country will no implode.

These people get up everyday, they take showers, they brush their teeth, they get dressed, they have breakfast, they get in their cars, and they go to work. And do you know what happens then? I'll tell you; they pay taxes and contribute as much to society as all the rest of us half divorcing slobs. And if this was my only valid point I'd be comfortable resting my case. This is more than just a civil rights issue, this my friends is a human rights issue.

The government already forces and imposes itself in almost ever facet of our lives. THIS IS NOT A GOVERNMENT ISSUE. As far as I can tell the government has much larger problems on the horizon so much so that the last thing they should be worried about is dictating who can and can't get married. If Joe Doughnut from down the block wants to marry his goat, who gives a shit? Does it really effect you? Does it really make a difference? If two meth addicts want to go to Vegas and get married no one will tell them they can't, therefore no one should be able to tell Leon ad Stevie or Janice and Marie shouldn't have that same opportunity.

And for all the religious zealots, right wing nutjobs, and backwards hillbillies who call the people fighting for their basic human rights sick, I give you this simple piece of advice on the matter: Go find something to do! The general opinion is not your opinion and quite honestly no ones gives a shit what you think.

I'm not saying I agree or disagree. I'm not saying its right or it's wrong. I'm not naive enough to try and make that call. All I'm saying is what most of us are thinking which is its not our business or place to call it. We're too busy being enthralled in reality television shows about pregnant teenagers, celebrity drug problems, and talents shows to care anyway. Just in case you missed it allow me to repeat: we watch shows about pregnant teenagers...who are the sick ones in the equation?

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